Since its inception over eleven years ago, the IBM iSeries cloud hosting platform still sits comfortably as the superior choice for well over a hundred thousand organizations. It remains the nucleus of different business-critical applications, including advanced ERPS, spanning banking, manufacturing, and other industries. In fact, the IBM iSeries cloud hosting platform is arguably IBM’s most significant success story. Comparing the iSeries to most midrange servers, it is a leading choice when it comes to versatility. Little wonder, government agencies and large enterprises adopt it to enable sterling IT security and resilience.
The IBM iSeries used to bank heavily on legacy on-premises platforms. However, with IBM’s ingenuity, it was taken to a whole new level of revolutionary cloud hosting. This birthed the IBM iSeries Cloud hosting solution.
In this IBM iSeries cloud hosting review, we will delve into a comprehensive overview of the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution, the nitty gritty of its functionalities, potential upsides, and other things you need to know. Then, you can make a better-informed decision regarding its purchase.

Downsides of the traditional on-premises IBM iSeries Platform
Even with the longevity IBM iSeries has enjoyed over the decades, there are still some challenges threatening its superiority. For instance, running the system in-house demands a great deal of effort and stress that accompanies in-house servers. Your company typically needs staff equipped with recent knowledge of iSeries management and highly specialized IBM proficiency. Only then can you guarantee an updated server and align the framework with the growing IT demands of your business. Unfortunately, this is usually an uphill task and more often, not sustainable. It is very difficult to recruit talents when your current staff resigns or retires, which can leave the entire system in jeopardy.
But let’s assume you have a plan for that, how about the exorbitant maintenance cost associated with the system? Not to mention that cost of replacement models won’t align with the current demands of your organization. All in all, the traditional on-premises solution will cost you more budget and time that would have been better directed towards growth-oriented initiatives.
So have you ever wondered how you can enjoy the benefits of the IBM iSeries without worrying about these downsides? The only solution is the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution.
IBM iSeries Cloud Hosting – A Comprehensive Review
Cloud computing keeps waxing stronger daily. And luckily, IBM isn’t exempted from the revolution. It leverages the terrific internet power to offer everyone absolute data accessibility and storage facility flexibility for organizations. For any organization that prioritizes cost optimization, agility, and innovation, switching to the IBM iSeries cloud hosting is definitely a no-brainer. This sounds like a wild claim now but you’ll eventually agree when you see the light of what this has to offer.
This solution is like a hybrid system, giving you the best of iSeries and cloud set up. In essence, you’re enjoying the security and resilience synonymous with the legacy iSeries framework on one end and the optimized productivity of a cloud framework on the other.
Why transition to IBM iSeries Cloud Hosting?
Here are a few reasons you should be considering the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution for your business.
(1) Maximize your productivity without any hassle
Just like any server, iSeries demands a great deal of maintenance. You need to constantly upgrade the software without neglecting the hardware components as well. Also, these updates take time. However, with the IBM iSeries cloud hosting, you can leave everything relating to maintenance in the hands of your cloud service. Not only does this leave you with enough time for other processes, but also offers you seamless access to state-of-the-art technologies, innovative applications, and cutting-edge software. Since the IT department can now eliminate maintenance from their worries, keeping your business afloat becomes easier.
(2) Bid iSeries talent hunt a warm farewell
IBM has been around for a long time. While its success has been exceptional over the years, it is also true that the global technological landscape is undergoing a rapid transition. Emerging IT experts are less inclined to immersing themselves in the nitty gritty of the framework. Of course, it is very easy to update and replace software and hardware component. However, most of the iSeries-trained IT specialists are approaching retirement. Considering all these, it becomes even more difficult to seek individuals with satisfactory knowledge about the system.
On the flip side, cloud hosting solutions are emerging, ridding you of the need to seek these talents. With the IBM iSeries cloud hosting service, you can start withdrawing your job postings in search of iSeries talents.
(3) Optimize costs according to current organizational demands
As you probably know, completely replacing your legacy on-premises iSeries framework is no easy feat – both in terms of cost and expertise. For this reason, businesses that don’t want to be left out of the current technological evolution are more inclined to invest in more computing power than their organizations demand.
However, the reality is they use only a little above 15% of the processing power they eventually accumulate. Not to mention that they might still have to invest in more processors in less than a decade after the minute investment. When you factor software costs into this, it increases geometrically as the number of processors.
As luck would have it, the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution lets you use just the amount of storage, backup, and computing power your organization and processes demand at any point. With this, you won’t have to waste excess capital or labor costs. Consequently, attaining high-level goals becomes more seamless and you can stay ahead of the competition without any hassle.
It allows your company to expand and contract, operating at your own pace and only incurring costs that are necessary. Since you’ve cut down expenditures in this regard, that essentially means you have more money to direct towards organizational development.
(4) Enjoy an operation devoid of downtime
Businesses using the legacy in-house iSeries at the nucleus of their operations heavily depend on tape backups. This is quite an unsustainable approach to data recovery. In fact, you might never recover any data from a tape backup these days. And if perhaps you can, the amount of downtime the process demands will significantly strain your business. The IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution features a future-proof and tested backup plan. Besides, it is very flexible, and as such, you can always adjust and align it with what your brands need at that point.
Besides we cannot overemphasize the importance of a reliable recovery and backup plan, especially for a continuous use business environment. And luckily, this technology can be a vital piece of ensuring you’re always protected.
Overall, it makes your processes more reliable. It fully backs up your entire daily operations and fine-tunes your performances and other administrative tasks while leaving you with enough time to concentrate fully on business operations. Your workstations will connect better with the superior operational flow.
(5) Let’s factor compliance in
Today, there is an even greater demand for a more robust recovery and data protection standard. Your business always has to show regulators that you have what it takes to protect data entrusted to you and prevent breaches and damages. Settling for an IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution typically means that the burden of compliance is no longer on you. Your hosting service provider assumes the task and ensures that you comply with current and emerging standards.
(6) Scalability and new technology access
IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution always leaves enough room to upgrade your system to the latest power servers, according to what you need. You also get seamless access to innovative hardware, system enhancements and plugins, features, and other essential components. With this, you can always rid yourself of concerns relating to purchasing a new server. The hosting terms are relatively more flexible as well compared to out rightly upgrading the legacy on-premises solution you have.
How to set up the IBM iSeries Cloud Hosting System?
Do you know what makes the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution an even more superior choice? It is very easy to set up. You’re probably wondering whether setting up the IBM iSeries cloud hosting system takes the same process as the other popular ones like Azure, Amazon, and others.
(1) Choose a service for server space
Firstly, you need to find a cloud service to help with the transition. This is where you get to obtain a server space and serves as the foundation of your entire effort.
(2) Understand your needs
Once you’ve chosen a service, the next consideration is understanding your exact needs and communicating them explicitly to the service. If you are unsure about what you need, the service can offer consultation and access to what your current organizational demands are to create a tailor-made plan for you. Your needs include everything ranging from your preferred hosting resources needed for CPU performance, backup framework, RAM capacity, and storage.
With these insights, your chosen service can then help you understand what IBM iSeries cloud hosting features you need, and the licensed software that fits your bill perfectly.
Then, they can factor in your connectivity and networking to make the solution available for every user regardless of their location.
In essence, the preceding effort in setting up the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution accentuates the need for an upfront analysis to create a well-thought implementation strategy. Once your hosting service understands these, they can then develop LPAR that aligns with your needs.
(3) Create cloud storage solutions
Once you’ve factored the aforementioned in, you can then move on to create a cloud storage solution resource that features a clear definition of the location of your cloud server and the authorization data you need for accessing it. Following this, you can start copying data between your Computer’s IFS to the cloud server. Remember that the cloud storage solution won’t work on either/ QSYS.LIB file system.
But why subject yourself to this much stress when you can simply have a cloud hosting service? You’d typically want a service with years of experience creating and managing cloud environments. Then, you can be sure you’re making the right decision. Look out for excellent service delivery that spans different outfits and industries, from banking to manufacturing and other enterprises. Also, be sure to factor the team in. You’d typically want a service with a team of highly specialized, proficient, and certified iSeries professionals who are always there to help make your transition to the cloud solution as seamless as it can be. As a plus, find a service that caters to your application workload optimization, tailoring the system to your needs, while managing your infrastructure operations effectively and remotely.
Beyond all these, you will notice a dramatic increase in your IT system effectiveness. This is because they will be more exposed via partnering with global technological peers, opening their eyes to the leading competitive advantage initiating solutions.
Potential challenges to transitioning to IBM iSeries Cloud Hosting
While the IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution is undoubtedly the ideal solution for every business, there are still some challenges to the transition and it is important to factor them in.
For instance, some users can be skeptical about where their data is stored. Hence, it is important to clearly understand the details of these sets of individuals. There are also some who don’t know how to access their data, which further demands the need for a clear orientation about the nitty gritty of the migration. Other concerns are the approach to data migration and the reliability of the network. However, if you’re opting in for a cloud hosting service in this regard, you won’t have to worry about either of these.
Final thoughts
The IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution is undoubtedly a big innovation. IBM has always been one of the leading choices, with over 33 years of unwavering dominance. And as it seems, the brand is not taking the back seat anytime soon. The IBM iSeries cloud hosting solution is definitely a testament to that. In this article, we examined what this innovation entails and a straightforward approach to buying into the trend. If you’re ready for this transition, you should definitely be considering the IBM iSeries cloud hosting service.
I must say this is one of the most enlightening guides on iSeries Cloud Hosting.